Ways to Get Involved

⦁ Ways to get involved: Pray, Go, Send, and give.

There are four main ways you can get involved with us: You can pray, go, send, and give

Details on each area of involvement

Pray (Matthew 9:36–38): You can get involved with us as a prayer warrior, praying regularly and strategically for this ministry and for revival and world evangelization as a member of one of the chapters of Kingdom Prayer Warriors (CKPW). a leader of a chapter of kingdom prayer warriors (CKPW)

Go (Mark 16:15): either by getting involved in one of our many branches of ministries (home church in Cleveland, Ohio or anywhere in North America), our fourfold core ministries, or our global missions; you can also go on short-term mission trips with us as students, ministers, spiritual trainers/equippers/empowers, teachers, executives & professionals [business owners and managers, lawyers, judges, engineers, architects and builders, etc], doctors, dentists, ophthalmologists, pharmacists, nurses, athletes, media professionals and technicians, musicians, and community developers/empowers, etc.

Send (Acts 13:1-3): if you cannot go yourself, you can send others to the mission fields both at home and abroad with your support through your prayers and your donations to those involved in the different ministries of the Mission by adopting our Mission in general, one of the specific ministries, or a specific project of the Mission at home: Agape Home Missions (AHM), or overseas: Agape Global Missions (AGM)

Give (Philippians 4:15–19): you can give 3 main things (your time, your talents and your thesaurus):

Your time

⦁ Serving on the Board of Directors (for Pastors & Ministers) or Board of Trustees (for community leaders, Christian business people and professionals) or on different committees of our two boards

⦁ Serving as volunteers in different capacities and in the different branches of our ministries, both through home missions (AHM) and overseas missions (AGM). 


Your talents:

⦁ Accounting  

⦁ Media & communication

⦁ Internet & the web 

⦁ Social media 

⦁ Fundraising

⦁ People & Talents raising

⦁ Networking

⦁ Curriculum development

⦁ Etc.  

Your treasures by giving at different levels according to the resources that the Lord has given you.