Our Purpose and Passion

Explore our story and commitment to transforming lives through faith and service. Learn about our journey and the impact we strive to make.

Dedication in Action

Agape Kingdom International Mission is dedicated to empowering communities through faith by addressing both spiritual and socioeconomic needs. Our mission is to save souls, build up the church, equip believers, and transform communities for Christ. Join us in our global outreach to spread the love of Christ.

Innovative Church Planting

By empowering local leaders who understand their communities, Agape Kingdom International Mission ensures cultural relevance and sustainable growth. This grassroots approach helps us establish vibrant churches that can effectively reach out to their own people and tribes.

Building a Legacy of Service

Our story is one of transformation and hope. From our humble beginnings to our current global outreach, we have seen God work miracles in the lives of those we serve. Each chapter of our story reflects our commitment to saving souls, building up the church, and equipping believers.

Our Ministry Leaders

Rev Alexander T. Makarios, Founder & President
Expand Your Faith Journey

At Agape Kingdom International Mission, we are dedicated to equipping you with the knowledge and resources needed to deepen your faith and enhance your spiritual journey. Our comprehensive resource center offers valuable insights, answers to your questions, and guidance on various aspects of our ministry and services.

Whether you are seeking theological understanding, practical ministry tips, or simply want to learn more about our mission, our resources are designed to support and inspire you.


Our Biblical Foundation

The Agape Kingdom International Mission is about serving the Lord Jesus as King of Kings and obedience to His command, namely the accomplishment of the Kingdom Mandate as revealed throughout the Bible and specifically in the three founding biblical texts: 

  • Genesis 1:26-28: The Creation Mandate (The 1st Divine / Imago Dei Command)
  • Matthew 22:37-40 The Relationship Mandate (The Greatest Commandment)
  • Matthew 28:18–20: The Gospel Mandate (The Great Commission)

All the spiritual architecture of the mission is based around these three biblical texts. 

Our Calling

We have a divine calling as a mission, which is our raison d'être as a mission. AKIM exists to glorify Jesus Christ as Lord and to fulfill the kingdom mandate that God has for the whole of humanity when He created man into His own image (Gen 1:26-28). We do this: by obeying the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20) 

And the Greatest Commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 22:37–40).

Purpose Statement

AKIM exists to glorify Jesus Christ as Lord through fulfilling the Kingdom Mandate or Creation mandate (Genesis 1:26-28) by obedience to the Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:37–40) and the accomplishment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20).

Mission Statement

Build up healthy churches by empowering and equipping their members (the saints) as kingdom builders who are fruitful soul winners, disciples makers and community transformers through the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Vision Statement

AKIM wants to be a be a catalyst for a powerful kingdom movement of multiplying and growing churches in all the nations, whose members are growing leaders and effective agents of change and transformation both in the church and in the world, anticipating the glorious return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Our Mission Goals

We, as a spiritual movement, have a specific mission given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ. Our mission is summarized in our motto: saving Souls, empowering the Saints, building up the sanctuary or church, and transforming society with the Love and Power of Jesus Christ. This quadruple mission of redeeming souls, empowering saints, building up the church and transforming human society is all we are about. This is our kingdom's mandate. In every city, nation, and culture we operate, we are committed to this divine mission or kingdom mandate: 

  • Saving Souls 
  • Empowering the Saints 
  • Building up the sanctuary or church 
  • Transforming the Society 

Saving Souls

The first dimension of our mission is to evangelize the world/lost souls in order to win them for Christ Jesus. This is our response of obedience and faith to the great commission or the supreme command of our Lord Jesus to go into the world and preach the Gospel and make disciples of all nations (Mark 16:15-17; Matthew 28 :18-20). 

As followers of Jesus Christ we are all called to be faithful and effective witnesses of our Lord, His agents of redemption, whenever and wherever we are until we reach the ends of the world (Luke 24:46-48). To accomplish this divine purpose, which is the noble ambition that keeps AKIM seeking aggressively to go wherever the Lord opens the doors before us . We know that in His grace God has given us the power to accomplish this task through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in us (Luke 24:49); Acts 1: 8). 

We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, His official representatives in this world, and pleading with men and women to be reconciled with God when there is still time to do so during this period of grace (2 Corinthians 5 :18-21). 

Empowering the Saints (Ephesians 4:11-12)

Second, we are here to empower believers in all areas of their life, making them active disciples of Jesus Christ and influential leaders within and out of the church, Christian leaders who are thus anointed agents of redemption, and productive agents for change and transformation in the society, and faithful managers of the Kingdom. 

This is an essential part of our mission, transforming the people of God from simple believers in Jesus Christ, the Savior into active disciples of Jesus Christ, the Lord, who are effective leaders within and out of the Church, and accomplished managers of the affairs of the Kingdom; able to empower others to reach the same levels of productivity and effectiveness in Christian ministry, through an uninterrupted chain of divine empowerment (2 Timothy 2:2)

Building the Body of Christ/Church (Ephesians 4:12-16)

Third, we are here to impact the church because we consider the church, or the People of God, as the main vessel of God’s action in this age and an essential element of the kingdom of God. We do not work against churches but with them, for them and through them, to make them more efficient in their divine mission to reach the world for Jesus Christ and advance the agenda of His kingdom. We do this especially through sound biblical teaching, emboldened discipleship, effective leadership development, strategic intercessory prayer movements, aggressive church planting, and innovative church growth strategies. 

Transforming the Society

Finally, we are here to bring the transformation power of the gospel to the world. We are agents of redemption, change and transformation. And our ultimate goal is to make believers agents of redemption, change, and transformation (disciples, intercessors, witnesses, leaders, and managers), and we inject them in all dimensions and spheres of human society to bring seeds and tools of redemption, change and transformation, sharing the love of Christ, His redemptive power, and shedding more of His transforming light in a gloomy and darker world (John 8:12; Matthew 5:13–16; Acts 26:18). 

We are a redemptive and transformational ministry equipped with the redemptive and transforming power of Christ to bring redemption, change and transformation to people, communities, and nations all around the world, making them divine agents of redemption and transformation on a new mission. 

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Jul 12, 2018
cheyenne wellman